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Dealing with Adult Acne? How Your Diet Can Lead to Acne

Dealing with Adult Acne How Your Diet Can Lead to Acne

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to rid your skin of acne, you might want to learn how adults get it in the first place. For one, having acne can harm your emotional health and lead to depression. Not to mention the fact that skin blemishes can negatively affect self-confidence. Therefore, it’s imperative for adults to understand the causes of acne and to find solutions to this problem. 

How Do Adults Get Acne?

If you’ve ever noticed acne on your skin when you’re stressed out, this is because adults who are under constant stress get acne. Consequently, this can be an ongoing problem. A person’s body responds to stress by producing extra androgens, which are a type of hormone. Furthermore, when the androgens stimulate the skin’s hair follicles and oil glands, acne may occur.  After you turn 25 years old, you’re susceptible to post-adolescent or adult acne. If you’d like further guidance on how to deal with this problem, an acne dermatologist in Philadelphia could help. 

The Impact Food Has on Skin

According to research, milk and whey protein are linked to acne. Indeed, your diet can make your acne worse, since what you eat can affect hormones. For instance, foods with high sugar content, such as milk, can cause insulin levels to rise. This can change other hormones and affect the skin. Other foods you may want to avoid to reduce acne concerns include fast food, greasy food, whey protein powder, dairy products, chocolate, and foods you’re sensitive to, among others. But if you’ve already tried to take care of acne yourself, you may have obtained scars from irritating your skin.

For this reason, you may want to consider acne scar removal in Southampton, PA. Experts can give you the advice and treatment you need to achieve skin that’s clearer and healthier. A few other foods that can cause adult acne are:

Reasons to Work with a Dermatologist

To eliminate unsightly skin blemishes, a dermatologist can address your concerns by educating you about acne. A professional can also list specific products that effectively deal with your issue. This can help avoid wasting your money on products that aren’t right for your skin. A dermatologist can look at your skin, recommend useful products for you to try, and begin treating your acne. 

Contact a Professional

Unsure of your next step? The experts at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialist are ready to help. Contact us today!

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