At-Home Psoriasis Care & When To See A Dermatologist 

At-Home Psoriasis Care & When To See A Dermatologist

Caring for psoriasis at home makes it easier to maintain the condition and prevent it from getting worse. It also helps you stay out of the dermatologist’s office apart from regular checkups. However, if your psoriasis gets triggered, you’ll have to see a dermatologist in Bucks County to get it under control again. The following is a look at home remedies that you can make from ingredients you have at home and the signs that tell you that it’s time to seek medical help.

Home Remedies for Psoriasis

You can use home remedies to treat your psoriasis on their own, or in conjunction with medical treatment and the go-ahead from your dermatologist. Home remedies can round out medical treatment and give you more relief than with medication alone.

Aloe vera

The gel of the aloe vera plant has long been known for its healing properties, and a small study found that it helps with psoriasis. You can safely apply aloe vera gel topically to the plaques for relief from irritation. It’s recommended to use a gel that’s at least 0.5% aloe vera by content.


Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder, and the body’s immune system is driven by the flora and other helpful critters located in the gut. One recent study found that psoriasis plaques appear and/or flare when the gut flora is depleted and not replenished. Consuming probiotics through foods and supplements helps rebuild the gut flora and aids in reducing outbreaks.

Colloidal oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal that’s been finely ground and can be blended into an ointment. It’s frequently used for irritated skin and is known to reduce the sensations of itching and burning. You can buy lotions that contain colloidal oatmeal, or make your own with ground oats and a little water. Apply the lotion or paste directly to the plaque.

Cling wrap and topical treatment

Make sure to talk to your dermatologist about using this method with non-prescription and prescription medication. Sometimes there is too much of a good thing for treatment, and it’s better to let the treatment absorb at a slower rate while exposed to the air.

Signs That It’s Time to Call the Dermatologist

Psoriasis can be stubborn and require medical intervention for treatment and relief. If you have a flare-up that’s not responding to your current treatment plan, it’s time to see a dermatologist for psoriasis treatment in Montgomery County, PA. for an examination.

Some of the signs include:

  • No improvement in symptoms with treatment
  • New symptoms show up
  • Symptoms are getting worse
  • Your daily life is being affected negatively.
  • Joint pain
  • Skin infection
  • New health problems such as eye infections, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure become apparent

Get in Touch With Us at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists Today for Psoriasis Treatment

Medical treatment of psoriasis means you can manage the condition and reduce the effect it has on your life. Call us today at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists to learn more about the types of treatments available for psoriasis and how our dermatologist can work with you on a treatment plan. We’re here to help you find a solution that works for your psoriasis presentation, so you can be comfortable in your skin.

When To See A Dermatologist About A Cyst

When To See A Dermatologist About A Cyst

Cysts are common skin conditions that can develop anywhere on the body. While most cysts are harmless, there are situations where it is imperative to consult with a dermatologist for proper evaluation and treatment. Read on for more information about seeing a dermatologist in Bucks County or other areas about a cyst you have.

What is a Cyst?

Before diving into when to seek professional help, you must understand what a cyst is. A cyst is a sac-like pocket that is filled with fluid, air, or other substances that can form beneath the skin. These growths can vary in size and may or may not be painful. Cysts can form due to a variety of different factors, including blocked oil glands, infections, or even inherited conditions.

When to See a Dermatologist

There are many situations when you should see a dermatologist about a cyst on your body. Below is a detailed list of situations in which it is best to pay a visit to a local dermatologist, such as the professionals at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists.

Persistent or Painful Cysts

If you notice a cyst that doesn’t go away or becomes increasingly painful, it is time to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. This is because pain and persistence can indicate that there is an underlying issue that requires medical attention.

Changes in Size or Appearance

If you notice that a cyst on your body changes in size, color, or texture, it is important to have it evaluated by a dermatologist right away. This is because these changes can indicate that there is infection, inflammation, or other concerning developments within the cyst.

Multiple Cysts

If you have multiple cysts appearing in the same area or across different parts of your body, it is important to consult a dermatologist. This could be a sign of an underlying condition that needs professional assessment and treatment right away.

Risk of Infection

Cysts can become infected, causing redness, swelling, and pain. An infection from a cyst can spread and lead to serious complications if it is left untreated. Your dermatologist can provide the appropriate treatment you need to prevent infection and relieve any discomfort or pain you are experiencing.

Family History

If you have a family history of cysts or related skin conditions, it is a good idea to see a dermatologist for preventive care and early detection.

Cosmetic Concerns

Some cysts, especially those on the face, can be a cosmetic concern and can even adversely impact your self-esteem and confidence. Your dermatologist at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists can offer solutions for cyst removal while minimizing scarring, which will help you to ensure that you can maintain healthy, clear skin.

Complex or Deep Cysts

Deep-seated or complex cysts may require surgical intervention. The dermatologists at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists have the knowledge and skills to be able to perform these procedures safely and effectively, ensuring optimal outcomes.

The Expertise of Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists

Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists have a team of highly skilled dermatologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating various skin conditions, including cysts. They have years of experience in diagnosing and treating cysts of all types and stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in dermatology to provide the best care possible.

The team at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to accurately diagnose and treat cysts. They also know that each patient’s needs are unique, so they tailor treatment plans to fit each person’s requirements, whether it’s cyst removal, medication, or monitoring.

For the best dermatologist in Montgomery County, PA, and the surrounding area, contact the team at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists today!

All About Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

All About Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

If you have a suspicious mole or any other serious skin condition, and you live in the Southampton, Pennsylvania area, contact the professional dermatologists at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists. Within our range of medical dermatology services in Southampton, PA, we offer Reflectance Confocal Microscopy. This revolutionary technology offers a non-invasive and highly precise method for diagnosing various types of skin cancer. 

Types of Skin Cancers

There are several types of skin cancer, and they can often look like a pimple, a mole, or a sore that doesn’t heal. The best-known type of skin cancer is melanoma. The other forms of skin cancer that are less frequently discussed are basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Those two types are less discussed because they’re not as potentially life-threatening as melanoma.

When the doctor suspects any skin cancer, it’s essential to get an accurate diagnosis. Previously, to diagnose a skin lesion, a doctor would take a biopsy, which involves cutting into the skin. However, suppose you are seeking skin cancer treatment in Southampton, PA. In that case, you can contact us at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists to take advantage of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy.

Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

Reflectance Confocal Microscopy is a non-invasive technique that can diagnose skin cancer without needing a biopsy. The procedure uses the Vivascope 1500, which can examine the skin from its surface to its dermal layer. The Vivascope can provide an image deep inside the skin without the cutting and scarring caused by a biopsy. Since its introduction in 2016, the use of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy has been increasing due to the desire of dermatologists to reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies.

At the beginning of the procedure, a small amount of oil is applied to the skin. A glass circle with a metal ring around it is placed on top of the area and is secured by medical tape. The metal ring around the glass is magnetized, which enables the inner lens of the Vivascope to target it and ensure correct placement. When prompted, the Vivascope will project a laser onto the examined area and capture an image of a small part of that area.

Results of Reflectance Confocal Microscopy

The laser will capture images of that area and send them to a photodetector – like a miniature camera. Each image from the laser will be 5mm x 5 mm. A computer will combine all the images so a doctor can look at a picture of all the layers of the examined areas. After reviewing the images, the doctor will be able to give you a diagnosis. After prescribing a treatment for your skin, the doctor could repeat the procedure in future visits to monitor your response to the prescribed treatment.

Contact Us Today with Your Skin Concerns

No matter what type of skin problem you may have, contact us today at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists for a professional diagnosis and treatment plan. If we detect an area that may be cancerous, we can use Reflective Confocal Microscopy to detect it without an invasive biopsy. If your test shows you have skin cancer, our treatment methods – which include Mohs surgery – will provide your best chance of recovery and resumption of your healthy life.

Dangers Of The Tanning Bed

Dangers Of The Tanning Bed

Using a tanning bed is a popular way to get a tan and increase self-confidence. However, using these beds puts people at risk for a number of dangerous health conditions. It can also cause a number of other problems for the skin and eyes. There are a range of health problems that can pose serious risks to those who use tanning beds. Many people use these beds to develop a base tan because they believe they won’t get a sunburn when they have one. However, getting that base tan is also dangerous, and it won’t prevent burns later.

Cancer Risks

Every visit to a tanning bed increases your chance of developing a number of types of skin cancer. There are two types that are the most common ones, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Both of these types are much more common in those who use tanning beds. Using tanning beds increases the chance of getting squamous cell carcinoma by a whopping 58%. The chance of developing Basal cell carcinoma goes up by 24%. For those who use tanning age before they are 20 years old, they will have a 47% higher risk of developing melanoma. Each use of a tanning bed increases this risk. There are FDA warning labels on all tanning beds today because the risk of skin cancer is so high.

Injuries From Tanning Beds

There are also other medical problems that can arise from the use of tanning beds. Serious injuries are regularly caused by their usage, resulting in many trips to the ER for users. One such injury is to the eyes. The high-powered UV light inside a tanning bed can burn the corneas of the eyes if the right precautions aren’t taken. Tanning bed businesses are supposed to give users goggles to prevent this, but they don’t always fit properly over the eyes. This can result in painful eyes that are damaged by the light. The light can also cause people to be burned badly enough that they need medical treatment. There are also people who lose consciousness in tanning beds because of the overwhelming heat. 

Aging Skin

The more UV rays a person gets on their skin, the faster that skin will age. The health of skin contributes to the age it looks, and skin that’s been burned or tanned tends to look older faster. It ages the skin and causes more wrinkles that appear earlier. It can also cause tanning bed users to lose firmness in their skin and to get age spots. A person who gets a tan can also get skin that looks leathery and hard. One of the best things that you can do for your skin is to avoid tanning beds.

Seeing a Dermatologist

It’s important to see a dermatologist anytime there may be a serious problem with your skin. Getting tanned can lead to the development of moles on the skin. You may need to get mole removal in Montgomery County, PA if you’re getting new moles or the ones you have are getting bigger or changing color. These can all be signs of skin cancer. When a mole has irregular edges or gets irritated, these can also be signs that you need to see a Philly dermatologist. Don’t put off your skincare when there may be a problem that can be caught early and treated. Early intervention is crucial, so see a dermatologist as soon as you see a problem. It can make a big difference in your skin’s health as well as your overall health.

Jimmy Buffett Dies of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Jimmy Buffett Dies of Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Jimmy Buffett, the world’s premier sun-loving beach enthusiast, recently passed away from a rare form of cancer known as Merkel cell carcinoma. About 3,000 cases are diagnosed every year in the U.S. and are resistant to treatment. It typically metastasizes, or spreads, about two to three years after diagnosis. Buffett fought with the cancer for four years before his death before he passed away on September 1, 2023.

Skin cancer’s primary cause is overexposure to the sun and a lack of skin protection, something that’s usually associated with tropical and sunny regions. But it can happen anywhere in the world, including Pennsylvania. Seeing a dermatologist for skin cancer in Southampton, PA, helps you stay on top of your skin’s health. In the meantime, here’s a look at Merkel cell carcinoma and what you need to know about it.

Merkel Cell Carcinoma: What Sets it Apart From Other Skin Cancers

Merkel cell carcinoma occurs in one out of every 130,000 cases in the U.S. Someone who receives a diagnosis of skin cancer is more likely to have melanoma than Merkel cell. What makes Merkel cell carcinoma so dangerous is the fact it’s very aggressive and the odds of it returning after removal are high. It’s also more likely to return within two to three years after diagnosis.

The disease is named after Friedrich Merkel, a German scientist who discovered the malignant cells in 1875. The science on Merkel cell carcinoma is still theoretical as it’s thought to be a type of neuroendocrine cell that’s found in the epidermis layer of the skin. The cancer is thought to become active when the skin is exposed to the sun, a weakened immune system allows the cells to grow out of control, and Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV).

What Merkel Cell Carcinoma Looks Like

Merkel cell carcinoma most commonly looks like a pimple or cyst that’s red, purplish, or blue-red but is not tender to the touch. A scab can form on the bump, but not always. In contrast, melanoma and other skin cancers tend to show up as flat or slightly raised dark spots with rough edges.

A Merkel cell carcinoma lump tends to show up in areas that undergo the most sun exposure, such as the face and arms, but it can also be found on the legs, inside the nose, and in the esophagus.

The General Outlook and Risk Factors

Early detection and treatment are vital to surviving a case of Merkel cell carcinoma. The odds of living five years or more after diagnosis stand at about 75%, but if it’s metastasized, or spread beyond the skin, the survival rate past five years drops to 24%.

One of the issues that complicates the treatment of the carcinoma is the fact that it’s very rare and few studies have been done on ways to fight it. What is known is that the risk factors include the fact that men are more likely than women to develop cancer, 90% of all patients are White, and 80% are 70 years or older. The disease is generally seen in people who are 50 years or older with the risk factor of developing the disease increasing with age. To date, there is no way to prevent getting MCV, the virus that causes the disease.

Contact Us at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists Today for an Appointment

Skin cancer is highly treatable provided you catch it early and take action by seeing a dermatologist when you see something unusual on your skin. You can also stay ahead of the development of skin cancer with regular exams with our dermatologist and give your skin the protection it deserves. Call us today at our clinic in Southampton, PA, and take charge of your skin’s health.

An Overview Of ProNox Patient Anesthesia

An Overview Of ProNox Patient Anesthesia

Receiving various forms of dermatological care can sometimes be accompanied by discomfort and anxiety. Unfortunately, that means that some people will turn away from procedures that they want or need because they’re worried about what they may experience throughout.

The good news? There are plenty of anesthetics out there designed to make you feel more comfortable throughout your procedures. One such example of this is Pro-Nox. If you’re considering getting a procedure done and are interested in Pro-Nox to help with anxiety and discomfort, let’s take a closer look at what you need to know first.

What Is Pro-Nox?

Pro-Nox is an FDA-approved pain and stress management solution, comprised of a 50/50 blend of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen. This gas serves as an analgesic, helping to relieve pain and anxiety through a unique self-delivery system that gives patients complete control over their experience without causing them to go under (as stronger anesthetics might). Basically, Pro-Nox is an anesthetic that focuses on patient control, helping them relieve pain, stress, and anxiety as they see fit throughout the duration of their procedure.

Why Might You Choose Pro-Nox Over Other Anesthetics?

Pro-Nox is an excellent solution for those undergoing procedures where being completely unconscious simply isn’t possible. While one might think that these types of procedures wouldn’t demand anesthetics, some people still might feel uncomfortable throughout it and need to alleviate some pain and anxiety along the way. Pro-Nox allows you to do just that so that you can receive the treatment you need instead of having to go through it without any anesthesia. It’s a happy medium between more serious anesthetics and doing a procedure in a manner that only some patients might feel comfortable with.

What Are the Benefits of Pro-Nox?

Choosing Pro-Nox comes with a host of benefits for a patient. These benefits include:

  • Being able to choose how much and when your Pro-Nox solution is delivered.
  • Using an anesthetic that works immediately and effectively but dissipates quickly ensures you’re fully functional and aware both during the procedure and after.
  • Reducing the need for other types of anesthetics that could be longer lasting or ones that you might also deem undesirable.
  • Giving you the confidence and strength you need to approach your dermatology procedures.

Overall, Pro-Nox is an excellent anesthetic for those who need it during procedures where they might feel anxious or encounter some pain.

Bring Up Pro-Nox With Penn Dermatology Specialists

Making sure that you’re comfortable and cared for is our top priority here at Penn Dermatology Specialists. If you’re looking for the best dermatologist in Bucks County, PA, or are interested in surgical dermatology in Southampton, PA, but are nervous about the next steps, we’re ready to talk to you more about our procedures as well as anesthetics like Pro-Nox. Reach out to us today to learn more about what we do and allow us to walk you through the entire process!

Insight On the First Lady’s Mohs Surgery

Insight On the First Lady's Mohs Surgery

Our skin is our largest organ and as such, it is exposed to the most during the course of our lives. Our skin is exposed to the things we put on it, the food we eat, and to the sun. In some cases, cancer develops and the need for immediate removal emerges. Mohs surgery is an effective means of removing skin cancer and the First Lady of the US, Jill Biden, has just undergone the procedure.

What is Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery is considered one of the most effective methods for treating skin cancer. This procedure is considered chemosurgery and is effective in treating basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The procedure has a 99% survival rate for patients and can help you get the best results possible.

The procedure is done in several stages in the same visit and it works to remove the cancer cells entirely. The doctor uses a microscope and removes layers of tissue for testing. If there are cancer cells present, another layer of skin is removed and tested until all the cancer cells have been removed. 

This also helps to ensure that healing is optimal and that there is as little damage and lasting effects as possible. Not all cancer is going to be a good fit for Mohs surgery, but taking the time to find a reliable doctor for your Mohs surgery in Montgomery County PA is a must. With the help of your doctor, you can get your consultation and see if Mohs is the right option for you.

First Lady Jill Biden & Her Procedure

First Lady Jill Biden recently had cancerous lesions removed from above her eye during a regular cancer screening appointment. At the appointment, doctor’s noticed another suspicious lesion on her chest, which turned out to be a collection of cancerous cells.  First Lady Biden was back on the go just hours after the procedure. Since Mohs is so minimally invasive, you can be certain that you are not going to be down for days on days in recovery.

Most people are out and about on the same day as the procedure. It is necessary to protect the surgical site after your procedure is completed to ensure that it is healing properly and protected. With a surgery like Mohs, you are going to be able to get back to your life faster, you are not going to have to take weeks to heal, and you are certainly going to be able to get back to living your life faster. With other methods of lesion removal, it can be very dangerous and time-consuming and can leave you with scars that will last a lifetime.

If you feel that you might be a good candidate for Mohs surgery, contact us today to set up a consultation.

Best In-Office Treatments For Melasma 

Best In-Office Treatments For Melasma

Melasma often referred to as dark spots or liver spots, is a particular form of hyperpigmentation that women are generally more prone to than men. That is because it can be caused by wayward hormones, as well as excessive UV ray exposure, making it quite difficult to treat. The fact that it can be triggered and worsened by hormonal fluctuations makes it harder to keep under control compared to other forms of hyperpigmentation.

But, there is hope. There have been several recent breakthroughs in medical science that have provided doctors with more in-office dermatology services near Bucks County, PA than ever before for this frustrating condition. That said, here are three of the most common and effective medical procedures for melasma:

Topical Peels

A topical peel is a chemical treatment that is applied to the surface of your facial skin in the form of a mask. The ingredients in the hardened compound are designed to react with your dead skin cells at their outermost layer, sloughing them off and resurfacing your skin, making it smoother and more refreshed. This process also stimulates your skin’s natural healing process, encouraging rapid cell turnover and accelerated healing.

These peels, usually made from hydroxy acids that are often lactic or glycolic, are especially effective at removing the discoloration caused by melasma. They also work to prevent further accumulation of extra melanin in your skin, keeping you from experiencing a subsequent occurrence of melasma.


Another in-office melasma treatment is microdermabrasion. This is a process where your treatment provider will use a wand studded with very fine crystals to gently exfoliate your top layer of skin. Like a topical peel, this procedure also promotes the growth of new skin cells by removing old and damaged ones, including those that are discolored due to melasma.

Please note that if your condition is more severe than average, microdermabrasion treatment may be needed approximately once a week to keep your skin both clear and smooth. However, it is best to use it in conjunction with other treatments, as it has not been shown to be as successful when applied on its own.


Microneedling is another treatment that your medical provider can do for you in his or her office. It basically uses a device that features multiple mini needles that pierce the surface of your skin. This is done to break the subcutaneous blood vessels in an effort to increase your blood supply to the skin that was just punctured.

This action will trigger new collagen and skin cell growth, reducing the appearance of melasma by improving the overall texture of your skin.

Contact Us For Melasma Treatment

Each of these methods is successful at fighting the disfiguring effects of melasma in their own respective ways. The best treatment for you may differ from others since everyone has distinct skin types, and for some folks, a combination of multiple procedures may be necessary to see the best results.

That is where Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists, your cosmetic dermatologist in Southampton, PA, can help. Give us a call or come in today and we can discuss with you which treatment may be right for your specific condition and skin type.

Baricitinib and Alopecia Treatment: What You Need to Know

Baricitinib and Alopecia Treatment: What You Need to Know

When it comes to hair loss, there are many possible causes and treatments. One promising option for treating hair loss is baricitinib, which is offered by a hair loss specialist near Philadelphia. Baricitinib is a medication that is typically used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. However, recent studies have shown that baricitinib may also be effective in treating alopecia, an autoimmune hair loss condition. If you are looking for a good hair loss treatment, you should consult the best hair loss, specialist. 

What are The Types of Alopecia?

There are two types of alopecia: alopecia areata and androgenetic alopecia.

Alopecia areata is a form of hair loss that affects both men and women. It is caused by an autoimmune reaction in which the body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles. This can result in patchy hair loss all over the scalp.

Androgenetic alopecia is a form of hair loss that is caused by genetics and hormones. It is the most common type of hair loss, affecting both men and women.

What is Baricitinib?

Baricitinib is a medication that belongs to a class of drugs called Janus kinase inhibitors. Janus kinase inhibitors work by blocking the action of janus kinase, an enzyme that plays a role in the development of inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

How does Baricitinib Work for Alopecia?

The exact mechanism by which baricitinib works to treat alopecia is not fully understood. However, it is thought that baricitinib may help to treat alopecia by suppressing the activity of the immune system. In alopecia, the immune system attacks the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss. By suppressing the activity of the immune system, baricitinib may help to prevent or reduce hair loss.

Are You A Good Candidate for Baricitinib Treatment?

If you are considering Baricitinib treatment for alopecia, it is important to first consult with a dermatologist to determine if you are a good candidate for the medication. There are certain factors that can influence whether or not Baricitinib will be effective in treating your specific case of alopecia, such as the severity of your condition and the type of alopecia you have.

Your dermatologist will also be able to answer any questions you have about the potential side effects of Baricitinib treatment. While the medication is generally well-tolerated, some people do experience side effects like nausea, diarrhea, and headaches.

How to Get The Most Out of Your Baricitinib Treatment?

If you and your dermatologist decide that Baricitinib is right for you, there are a few things you can do to help ensure that you get the most out of your treatment.

First: It is important to be patient. Baricitinib is not a quick fix for alopecia and it may take several months to see results.

Second: Be sure to follow your dermatologist’s instructions for taking the medication. It is important to take Baricitinib as prescribed in order to maximize its efficacy.

Third: Consider combining Baricitinib with other alopecia treatments. For example, some people find that using Baricitinib in combination with minoxidil (a medication used to treat hair loss) is more effective than using either medication alone.

Fourth: Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dermatologist about their dermatology services in Bucks County, PA with any questions or concerns you have about your treatment like the Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialist. They can help you troubleshoot any issues and ensure that you are on track to achieving your desired results.

Things To Consider When Researching Mohs Surgery

Things To Consider When Researching Mohs Surgery

When researching Mohs surgery near Montgomery County, PA, or anywhere else for that matter, it is crucial to consider your options. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. What are the qualifications of the surgeon? The surgeon performing Mohs surgery should be a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon with specialized training in Mohs micrographic surgery.
  2. What is the success rate of the surgeon? Ask the surgeon about their success rate with Mohs surgery.
  3. What are the risks and side effects of Mohs surgery? Be sure to ask the surgeon about any risks or side effects associated with the surgery.
  4. What are the long-term effects of Mohs surgery? Be sure to ask the surgeon about any long-term effects of the surgery.

There are many things to take into account when deciding to have this type of surgery, and it is important to be as informed as possible. Let’s get into the details. 

Understanding Mohs Surgery And Asking Questions

Mohs surgery is a type of skin cancer treatment that involves removing layers of skin one at a time and examining each layer under a microscope. The doctor will continue to remove layers of skin until all of the cancerous cells have been removed. To be better prepared for the surgery, be prepared to answer the following questions:

What Are The Benefits Of Mohs Surgery?

One of the main benefits of Mohs surgery is that it has a high success rate in treating skin cancer. It is also less likely to damage healthy tissue than other types of skin cancer treatments.

What Are The Risks Of Mohs Surgery?

As with any type of surgery, there are always risks involved. Some of the potential risks of Mohs surgery include infection, bleeding, and scarring.

What Is The Recovery Time For Mohs Surgery?

Recovery time will vary depending on the individual. Most people will need to take it easy for a few days after the surgery and avoid strenuous activity. The stitches will usually be removed within 7-10 days.

Are There Any Alternatives To Mohs Surgery?

There are other types of skin cancer treatments available, but Mohs surgery is often considered the best option for treating skin cancer. Alternatives to Mohs surgery include cryotherapy, radiation therapy, and topical treatments.

What Should I Expect Before And After Mohs Surgery?

Before Mohs surgery, your doctor will numb the area around the tumor. During the surgery, the doctor will remove layers of skin one at a time. After the surgery, you will likely have stitches, and your doctor will closely monitor the area for any signs of infection.

What Is The Cost Of Mohs Surgery?

Mohs surgery is typically covered by insurance. However, it is always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to be sure. The cost of Mohs surgery can range from $1000 to $3000 for medical dermatology services in Bucks County, depending on the size and location of the tumor.

Where Can I Learn More About Mohs Surgery?

If you have any questions about Mohs surgery, please talk to your doctor or qualified healthcare professional.

Contact A Specialist

Overall, Mohs surgery is a safe and effective treatment for skin cancer. Be sure to do your research and ask your doctor any questions you may have before deciding if it is right for you. Contact Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists about medical dermatology services near Bucks County today for more information.