5 Diseases Signaled By Your Skin

5 Diseases Signaled By Your Skin

Your skin is a secret doorway into your overall wellness. Radiant, glowing skin with no concerns is often a sign of a healthy mind and body. However, your skin can also show you signs of disease, such as autoimmune disorders. These are five common diseases signaled by your skin.

Celiac Disease

Celiac Disease is an autoimmune disorder. When a person has Celiac Disease, their body cannot handle gluten. The villi, tiny finger-like projections in the intestine, absorb nutrients. When a person with Celiac Disease eats gluten, the villi slowly begin to flatten, so the body cannot absorb nutrients properly. This is just one of the severe side effects of Celiac Disease. There are various signs and symptoms of autoimmune conditions like Celiac Disease, including a symmetrical rash. 


Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid does not produce enough thyroxine, which it needs to function. There are multiple signs of hypothyroidism to watch out for. Some include:

  • Weight gain
  • Hair loss
  • Brittle nails

Your skin can also be a sign of hypothyroidism. It’s common for individuals with this condition to experience dry skin and/or swelling.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances are commonly signaled by the skin. Some of the most common allergies include lactose, nuts, and honey. Most people with food intolerances experience more than one symptom. Digestive symptoms after eating the food are very common. You may also develop a rash, hives, or swelling of the skin

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition in which cysts develop on a woman’s ovaries. It can involve irregular or abnormal periods. For example, a woman may have no periods or excessively heavy periods. Often, there are cysts throughout the ovaries, which can prevent them from releasing eggs. PCOS is often caused by a hormonal imbalance typically seen in the skin via acne. It’s common for people to have acne during their teenage years or pregnancy. However, if you’ve suddenly developed acne and it’s not usual for you, it’s time to find dermatology services in Bucks County, PA.


Diabetes is a condition when the body cannot properly produce insulin. Our bodies require insulin to turn food into glucose properly. That glucose is then let into cells so we can use it as energy. If your body cannot do that, it can lead to various issues, including long-term organ failure. Diabetes impacts every part of your body, especially your skin. There are several warning signs of diabetes that you can see on your skin, such as:

  • Dry skin
  • Wounds don’t heal as well as they used to
  • Rashes on the shins
  • Dark patches of skin on the knees, fingers, armpits, elbows, and neck that may feel like velvet

If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to speak with a dermatologist to discuss possible underlying issues.

Our dermatologist in Montgomery County, PA has the experience necessary to interpret the signals from your skin to help manage underlying health issues. Contact us today to discuss your skin concerns!

What Are Skin Checks, And How Often Do I Need To Do Them? 

What Are Skin Checks, And How Often Do I Need To Do Them

Skin cancer is something that affects more people annually than you might imagine. There are millions of cases of skin cancer diagnosed every year. A thorough and routine skin check can result in early detection and more effective treatment. 

What Is A Skin Check?

A skin check is a routine checkup with a skin care professional like a dermatologist or your routine care provider each year. These checks are necessary if you have had cancer, are prone to cancer, or if you have any risk factors that make you a candidate for possible skin cancer.

Your doctor will evaluate moles, areas of concern, as well as just your skin in general, and see if anything has changed and if you need further investigation or other treatment. Skin checks at the doctor are a must if you are prone to skin cancer or if you have had skin cancer in the past.

You can do your own skin checks at home to check for any unusual bumps or discoloration. You should take the time to go over every area of your skin once every few months. If you have had skin cancer, you should be checking your own skin at least once a month and visit your care provider for more thorough checks every six months.

What To Do If You Find A Mole?

If you do find a mole or an area of concern, seek out a second opinion from your dermatologist. If they deem it necessary, they will recommend skin cancer treatment in Southampton, PA to treat the mole. If you’re looking for mole removal in Southampton, PA to eliminate any moles that may or may not be cancer, count on our team. 

If you are at all unsure about any mole or area of your skin, it is important that you get to a dermatologist as soon as possible. They are going to be able to inspect the area further, determine if further treatment is needed, and help you feel at ease with the health of your skin. 

Our Specialists Can Help

Taking care of your skin means frequent and thorough skin checks. With early detection, most skin cancer is highly treatable. If you notice any unusual spots, lumps, or discoloration anywhere on your skin, be sure to contact Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists as soon as possible. We are ready to help you.

Tips On Keeping Your Skin Healthy During The Winter Months

Tips On Keeping Your Skin Healthy During The Winter Months

Winter weather is so harsh on our skin, so it’s critical that we put a little bit more time and effort into keeping it healthy. In colder climates, low humidity is typical, robbing the skin of hydration every second of every day. It makes sense why our skin frequently becomes dry and becomes flaky and irritating. Improve the overall appearance of your skin with these expert tips. 

Moisturize Your Skin

During the colder months, your skin is more prone to infections and loses its glow. By moisturizing regularly, you can lower your risk of getting extremely dry or oily skin. To combat the drying effects of winter, apply a hydrating moisturizer in the morning and before going to bed. 

Avoid Hot Showers

Avoid hot water if at all possible. Instead, lukewarm water is recommended for showering because hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, making it prone to drying out, cracking, and peeling.

Apply Sunscreen

You shouldn’t stop using sunscreen in winter. Although there are fewer UVB rays present throughout the winter, UVA rays are still high and can cause damage. Always apply your sunscreen if you want to delay premature aging and maintain your youthful glow.


Both inside and outside of your home, the air is drier in the winter. As a result, water from your body evaporates quickly. To prevent flakiness, rough texture, acne, poor elasticity, and wrinkles, it’s more crucial than ever to make sure your skin stays hydrated. Aim to drink half a gallon of water daily to maintain hydration and remove toxins from the body.

Improve Your Skincare Routine With Vitamin C

Dry skin and other skin issues are prevalent during the winter. Vitamin C is great for the skin because it keeps the skin moisturized, prevents wrinkles, and delays the aging process. But if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin, it may irritate you; in that case, introduce it gradually and limit its use to one product.


Mists, serums, and moisturizers will essentially sit on top of all the dead skin cells if you don’t remove the buildup of those cells. Weekly exfoliation is the greatest approach to ensure that your skincare products are truly absorbed into your skin. Our dermatology specialists near Bucks County can help you find the best moisturizing, exfoliating, and soothing products that work for your skin.

Schedule an Appointment with a Dermatologist Today

Visit a dermatologist near Willow Grove, PA if your skin condition doesn’t improve. We offer a range of treatments that can help rejuvenate and rehydrate your skin. Contact us today! 

Common Culprits of Dry Skin

Common Culprits of Dry Skin

As the weather gets cold, you may notice your skin feels dry or appears patchy. Wintertime variations in humidity and temperature can cause an increase in dry, flaky skin. The appearance and feeling of dry skin is rough, itchy, flaky, or scaly. Here are some of the most common culprits for dry skin.

Harsh Skin Care Products

It’s important to select the best skincare products for your skin. Strongly scented, antibacterial, and regular soaps with high pH levels all dry out your skin by removing oil from the surface. It’s best to look for organic skin care products that are gentle and nourishing. 


Itchy, dull skin can be a sign of dehydration. Without adequate water intake, your body struggles to eliminate toxins through your skin. This results in a higher chance of dry skin and other skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

Excess Heat

As the weather gets cold, we inevitably turn up the heat inside. However, the dry heat from your radiators or heating systems draws moisture from the air, and consequently your skin. Because we have to keep the heat on during the winter, it’s important to increase our hydration level and use moisturizer more regularly. Applying our Hydrating Body Oil, Hydrating Facial Toner, and Regenerative Facial Serum both day and night can prevent dry, itchy skin. 

A Skin Condition

An underlying skin disorder like psoriasis or eczema, can also be the cause of excessively dry skin. It is advisable to visit a dermatologist and receive the recommended therapy if you suspect you have a skin condition.

How Can You Prevent Developing Dry Skin?

Keep your skin well-hydrated to prevent the loss of natural oils. You can take the following precautions to stay safe: 

  • Regularly moisturize your skin, especially throughout the winter.
  • Avoid taking a hot bath.
  • Avoid using abrasive soaps and exfoliants. Instead, switch to gentle, natural cleaning products.
  • In the winter, keep your skin covered, especially while going outside.
  • If you must repeatedly submerge your hands in water, protect them with gloves. 

When To See A Doctor

Typically, dry skin can be treated at home or with the use of a cream that is sold over the counter. However, seek the help of a dermatologist if:

  • You’ve tried several over-the-counter treatments and are still having trouble controlling your dry skin or the dry skin of your child,
  • You have painful, sore, or cracked skin
  • Your dry skin is interfering with your everyday activities
  • You have any symptoms of a skin infection, including hot, swollen patches of dry skin or drainage from the skin.

Schedule an Appointment with a Dermatologist Today

Contact our dermatologist in Willow Grove, PA today to schedule an appointment regarding winter skin care or other skin treatments. We will provide a complete skin assessment and choose the best course of action to bring you your best skin. Call us today!

Tips On the Usage of Sunscreen for All Seasons

Tips On the Usage of Sunscreen for All Seasons

Most people wouldn’t think of spending a day at the beach without slathering on lots of sunscreens, yet it is common for people to opt-out of this essential skin care step when the weather turns cooler. Although you might not feel the heat of the sun’s rays as much during the winter and fall seasons, your skin is still vulnerable to damage. Following a few simple tips regarding sunscreen usage throughout the year can help you avoid dealing with damage later on.

Understand The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen

Sunscreen serves as a buffer that stops some of the sun’s harshest rays from reaching your skin. The sun’s UV rays are capable of penetrating your skin and causing damage at the cellular level. Sun damage to the skin can range from painful sunburns to cancerous lesions. Many people with skin conditions such as rosacea or dermatitis may notice that exposure to sunlight makes their symptoms worse, and sunscreen can help minimize the irritation. If you have a skin condition, then ask your dermatologist in Richboro, PA to help you find ways to prevent the worsening of your symptoms after you’ve been out in the sun.

Apply Sunscreen To All Exposed Skin

During the summer, you’ll want to apply sunscreen all over your body. This is especially important if you are going swimming or wearing clothing that exposes skin that is often covered during other times of the year. In the winter and fall months, you can loosen up a little bit. If you are wearing long sleeves and a heavy coat while you are outside, then you might not need to put sunscreen on your back and chest. Instead, you’ll want to focus on making sure that any exposed skin is covered. Your face, hands, and other parts of your body that aren’t covered by clothing still need sunscreen.

Remember To Apply Sunscreen On Cloudy Days

When the clouds come out, people tend to think that they are less likely to get a sunburn. However, the sun’s UVA rays still shine through the clouds. You’ll also want to be prepared for the moments when the sun can peek out unexpectedly, and the glare from snow can also lead to sunburns. If you are spending a large amount of time outside, then you might want to add a hat, sunglasses, and other protective clothing to enhance the effects of your sunscreen.

Get Help Finding the Right Type of Sunscreen for Your Skin

One of the biggest barriers to wearing sunscreen is finding a type that you’ll actually use. If you struggle with acne, then you might prefer sunscreen that won’t clog your pores. Our dermatology services in Southampton, PA can help you find the perfect sunscreen with the right SPF rating to suit your needs so that you never question whether or not you want to apply it before you go outside. Call us today to schedule an appointment that helps you stay on top of your skincare.

Skin Redness: When to Contact A Dermatologist

Skin Redness When to Contact A Dermatologist

You might be wondering, “What are the causes of skin redness, and when is it time to contact a dermatologist?”

Skin redness can be caused by many things, including sunburn, skin infection, or a skin allergy. If you are experiencing skin redness from one of these ailments, it’s important to consult with a dermatologist to determine the cause and to get appropriate rosacea treatment in Bucks County.

What are The Symptoms of Skin Redness?

Skin redness is a common symptom that can have many different causes. Some causes of skin redness, such as sunburn, are harmless and will eventually go away on their own. However, other causes, such as rosacea or eczema, can be more serious and require treatment from a dermatologist.

There are a few different ways to determine if your skin redness is something you should be concerned about:

  • If the redness is accompanied by itching, pain, or swelling, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction or infection, and you should contact a dermatologist.
  • If the redness does not go away after a few days, or if it gets worse, you should also contact a dermatologist.
  • If the redness is on your face, especially around your nose, cheeks, or forehead, it could be a sign of rosacea, and you should contact a dermatologist.
  • If the redness is on your body and is accompanied by dry, scaly patches of skin, it could be a sign of eczema, and you should contact a dermatologist.

When Should You Contact A Dermatologist?

In general, if you are concerned about your skin redness or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should contact a dermatologist. A dermatologist can help determine the cause of your skin redness and recommend the best treatment for you.

What Will The Dermatologist do to Determine The Cause of Skin Redness?

The dermatologist will ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination of your skin. They may also order tests, such as a skin biopsy to determine the cause of your skin redness.

The physical examination will consist of the dermatologist looking at your skin to determine the type, location, and severity of the redness.

They will also look for any other abnormalities on your skin that could be causing the redness or making it worse.

During the examination, the dermatologist may also ask about any medications you are taking, as well as any allergies you have.

What Are The Treatments for Skin Redness?

The treatment for skin redness will depend on the underlying cause.

For example, if the cause is sunburn, the dermatologist may recommend over-the-counter (OTC) medications, such as ibuprofen, to help relieve pain and swelling. They may also recommend OTC lotions or creams to help soothe the skin.

If the cause is more serious, such as rosacea or eczema, the dermatologist will likely prescribe medication. The type of medication prescribed will depend on the severity of the condition.

For example, for mild rosacea, the dermatologist may prescribe a topical cream or gel. For more severe cases, they may prescribe oral antibiotics or isotretinoin (Accutane).

For eczema, the dermatologist may prescribe topical corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, as well as moisturizers to help soothe the skin. For more severe cases, they may prescribe oral medications, such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressants.

No matter what the underlying cause is, the dermatologist will likely recommend avoiding triggers, such as exposure to sunlight or harsh chemicals. They may also recommend avoiding irritating skin products, such as those that contain alcohol.


If you have skin redness, it is important to determine the underlying cause. Some causes, such as sunburn, are harmless and will eventually go away on their own. However, other causes, such as rosacea or eczema, can be more serious and require treatment from a dermatologist. If you are concerned about your skin redness or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should contact a dermatologist. A dermatologist from family dermatology in Doylestown, PA can help determine the cause of your skin redness and recommend the best treatment for you.

Tips On Treating Psoriasis In The Summer

Tips On Treating Psoriasis In The Summer

Summertime means fun in the sun, but for people with psoriasis, it can also be a time of worry. With harsh, unpredictable heatwaves and damaging sun rays even on cloudy days, it’s hard to manage and control flare-ups. But with the right advice, you can safely plan an effective psoriasis treatment in Montgomery County, PA. Here are 9 tips to help you have a fun and psoriasis-free Summer.

1. Apply A Moisturizer To Keep Skin Hydrated

One of the most crucial ways to keep psoriasis under control no matter the season is to apply a moisturizer to your skin regularly. This will help keep your skin hydrated, which can help to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Choose a moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comedogenic, so it won’t clog your pores.

2. Use A Broad-Spectrum Sunscreen

It is important to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 when you are going to be spending time outdoors. This will help to protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

3. Avoiding Sunburns

Do your best to avoid getting sunburned, as this can trigger a psoriasis flare-up. Besides using sunscreen, staying under shaded areas helps. If you do get sunburned, take a cool bath or shower and apply a soothing lotion to your skin.

4. Wear Lightweight And Loose-fitting Clothing

When it’s hot outside, you’ll want to wear lightweight and loose-fitting clothing to help keep your skin cool. This will also help to prevent your clothes from rubbing against your skin, which can irritate psoriasis lesions.

5. Avoid Sweating

Although hard, try to avoid sweating as much as possible. Sweating can irritate the skin and trigger a flare-up. If you do sweat, make sure to take a cool shower or bath afterward to help soothe your skin.

6. Keep Your Skin Cool

When it’s hot outside, plan to spend time in air-conditioned environments, such as indoors or near large bodies of water with shaded trees like lakes. You can also travel with a portable fan or mist yourself with cool water to help keep your skin cool.

7. Drink Plenty Of Fluids

One of the best ways to keep psoriasis under control during the Summer is to drink plenty of fluids. This will help to keep your skin hydrated and can help to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Make sure to drink plenty of liquids like water or electrolytes.

8. Use A Humidifier To Add Moisture To The Air

If the air is dry, your symptoms may get worse. Avoid this by using a humidifier to add moisture to the air and help keep your skin hydrated. Make sure to clean your humidifier regularly to prevent the growth of bacteria.

9. Consult A Reputable Specialist

If you are struggling to get your psoriasis, especially during the Summer, it’s time to consult professionals like Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists on how to best manage your condition. Let us help guide you through the best psoriasis treatment in Southampton, PA that keeps the flare-ups under control.

No matter your skin concerns, we help find the right solution for you. Whether you have any questions or are looking for ways to improve the look of your skin, reach out to us.  We’ll happily book a consultation.

3 Ways To Keep Your Skin Glowing All Summer Long

3 Ways to Keep Your Skin Glowing All Summer Long

Summer is the season for cookouts and vacations. It’s also the time when the skin tends to suffer from overexposure to the sun. If not properly protected, your skin can become irritated and dry enough to cause concern and bring an end to the great Summer vibes. However, these tips will make sure your skin is glowing during the most fabulous months of the year. 

1. Stay Hydrated

The skin is the largest organ of the body. When the body is dehydrated, the skin is instantly dehydrated as well. Most people can be mildly dehydrated with only a few, barely noticeable symptoms. 

One of those symptoms is having dull skin. Make sure that the entire body stays hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Enjoy fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, such as watermelon. Drinking more fluids during hot months is a necessity to replace important fluids that the body loses through sweating. 

2. Treating Skin Conditions

Untreated skin conditions, such as allergies or eczema, are another common culprit behind lackluster skin. Allergies often show up in the form of rashes, itching, bumps, and other noticeable symptoms in addition to dull skin. 

Allergies can come from various places. Some people that have lactose intolerance will notice that it has a drastic impact on their skin. Allergies can also come from ingredients in skincare and makeup products. Environmental allergies are extremely common, and often untreated. 

Finding the cause of allergies is the first step to having vibrant skin. Scheduling an appointment for rash treatment in Southampton, PA is the first step! 

3. Keep Skin Plump And Youthful

As people begin to age, their skin ages as well. Aging skin is known for losing both elasticity and collagen. This results in sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines because the skin cannot retain moisture like before. Instead, the skin often loses moisture quickly after it’s moisturized. Skin creams and moisturizers do help, as does staying properly hydrated, but this is rarely enough to combat the effects of aging. But no need to worry. Alternative methods of treatment such as Botox near Yardley, PA  help regain your glowing skin all Summer long

Contact the Professionals

The skin is the largest organ and often suffers the most damage. So make sure to wear sunscreen every day of the year to reduce signs of premature aging. Staying hydrated during those heatwaves is essential. Most importantly, reach out for help from a trusted professional like the ones from Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialist to address skin concerns when they arise. 

Mineral Vs. Chemical Sunscreen

Mineral Vs. Chemical Sunscreen

Not all sunscreen is created equal and depending on your skin type, sensitivities, and overall health considerations, it’s a good idea to research anything you plan on applying to your skin. Before grabbing the cheapest bottle of sunscreen off the shelf, a basic understanding of the differences between mineral and chemical sunscreens will help you make a healthier choice for your skin! 

How Do Mineral & Chemical Sunscreens Work? 

While both mineral and chemical sunscreens prevent sunburns and are proven to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer, these two sunscreen types work very differently. Here’s how they protect your skin, and the pros and cons of each. 

Mineral Sunscreens Reflect Harmful UV Rays

Mineral sunscreens, also known as “physical sunscreens”, contain either zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or both to reflect UV rays away from the skin. Like a mirror for your skin, the tiny metal particles blended into the cream provide a reliable layer of sun protection. So, what are the benefits and downsides of mineral sunscreens?

  • Since mineral sunscreens rest atop the skin rather than absorbing into the skin, your body is exposed to fewer chemicals. Look for mineral sunscreens that contain “non-nano” zinc oxide and titanium dioxide; these bigger metalized particulates are too large to enter your bloodstream. Nanonized mineral sunscreens may expose you to the risks associated with long-term metal toxicity. 
  • To be effective, a consistent coating of mineral sunscreen is necessary. The result is a visible, white film along the surface of the skin that provides instant protection. Depending on your aesthetic preferences, this may not be your ideal look! 
  • Mineral sunscreen is often a better option for anyone with skin sensitivities or chemical allergies. These products are also safe to apply on top of other skin products, and may be the perfect option if you’re concerned about the safety of products with a lot of chemicals! 

Chemical Sunscreens Absorb And Transform UV Rays Into Heat Energy

Using the power of absorbed chemicals like oxybenzone, avobenzone, octisalate, and many others, incoming UV rays bind with these chemicals before being converted into heat energy. After this chemical reaction occurs, the produced heat is then released from your skin’s cells for a burn-free day in the sun. 

  • Since chemical sunscreens absorb into your skin, you are exposed to more chemicals that will enter your bloodstream. Despite this fact, many believe that the cancer-protective benefits outweigh the potential chemical risks. 
  • Chemical sunscreens are easily rubbed into the skin for a film-free, natural-skin tone appearance. After application, it takes around 20-30 minutes before these products will be effective. 
  • If you have certain skin allergies or chemical sensitivities, certain chemical sunscreens may aggravate your condition. Always test the sunscreen on a small section of skin first! 

Early Detection Is The Best Prevention

If you’re concerned about your skin’s health, want to learn more skin-protective tips, or would like to schedule a skin cancer screening today, contact our family dermatology in Doylestown, PA for free information! 

Understanding Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Understanding Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous skin cells comprise a large portion of our skin’s upper and middle layers. When the normal, healthy function of these skin cells is damaged by UV radiation and other risk factors, DNA mutations and uncontrolled cell replication results in the development of squamous cell carcinoma. As the second most common type of skin cancer, squamous cell carcinoma accounts for ~20% of all skin cancer cases.

Fortunately, since most squamous cell carcinoma cases involve the superficial portions of the skin, most cases are identified and treated before cancer spreads. Even though most cases are not life-threatening, squamous cell carcinoma is still a serious skin disease that should be treated immediately. 

Common Causes & Risk Factors Of Squamous Cell Carcinoma: 

  • Prolonged Sun Exposure & Tanning Bed Use
  • Lighter Skin Tones Prone To Sunburning
  • Immune Disorders & Inflammatory Conditions
  • Family History, Older Age, & Previous Skin Cancer Diagnosis
  • Smoking & Arsenic Exposure
  • Other Diseases That Affect The Skin

Skin-Cancer Prevention Strategies

No one is immune to squamous cell carcinoma, and the most common culprit is sun damage. It’s easy to wear sunscreen, and sun-safe clothing, and protect any burned skin from further sun exposure. If it’s too late and you already have a burn, apply aftersun products like aloe vera and relieve the skin with cool water to promote your skin’s natural healing processes. Paired with healthier lifestyle habits like quality nutrition, and better sleep, and by eliminating factors like smoking or tanning from your routine, you stack the odds of skin safety in your favor. 

If you have other unavoidable risk factors, like a lighter skin tone or a family history of skin cancer, you need to take extra skin-safe precautions. If you have health issues like an immune disorder or HPV, our dermatologist for skin cancer in Bucks County will help you design a proactive plan of action to reduce your long-term risks.  

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment Options

If you notice any new spots that are raised, rough, colored, or abnormal in any way, it’s never a bad idea to seek a dermatology evaluation. If we do identify a cancerous legion, there are a variety of safe and effective solutions we offer to remedy the situation. Depending on the severity and location, we’ll connect you with a personalized plan of care and strive to achieve 100% cancer-free results. To achieve the best results, our dermatologists provide: 

  • Surgical Excision: The most effective treatment method is complete removal. We provide both traditional excision procedures as well as Mohs microsurgery when preserving the surrounding healthy tissue is the priority. Our microscopic margin of error control ensures that every cancerous cell has been identified and strategically removed. 
  • Radiotherapy/Combination Therapy: For advanced squamous cell cancer cases that have spread to the surrounding tissues, approved cancer medications that demonstrate a higher success rate may be the best option to treat your specific case. 

Contact our experts at Pennsylvania Dermatology Specialists to learn more, and receive the quality care you deserve the moment you notice any issues with your skin.