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Tips On the Usage of Sunscreen for All Seasons

Tips On the Usage of Sunscreen for All Seasons

Most people wouldn’t think of spending a day at the beach without slathering on lots of sunscreens, yet it is common for people to opt-out of this essential skin care step when the weather turns cooler. Although you might not feel the heat of the sun’s rays as much during the winter and fall seasons, your skin is still vulnerable to damage. Following a few simple tips regarding sunscreen usage throughout the year can help you avoid dealing with damage later on.

Understand The Importance of Wearing Sunscreen

Sunscreen serves as a buffer that stops some of the sun’s harshest rays from reaching your skin. The sun’s UV rays are capable of penetrating your skin and causing damage at the cellular level. Sun damage to the skin can range from painful sunburns to cancerous lesions. Many people with skin conditions such as rosacea or dermatitis may notice that exposure to sunlight makes their symptoms worse, and sunscreen can help minimize the irritation. If you have a skin condition, then ask your dermatologist in Richboro, PA to help you find ways to prevent the worsening of your symptoms after you’ve been out in the sun.

Apply Sunscreen To All Exposed Skin

During the summer, you’ll want to apply sunscreen all over your body. This is especially important if you are going swimming or wearing clothing that exposes skin that is often covered during other times of the year. In the winter and fall months, you can loosen up a little bit. If you are wearing long sleeves and a heavy coat while you are outside, then you might not need to put sunscreen on your back and chest. Instead, you’ll want to focus on making sure that any exposed skin is covered. Your face, hands, and other parts of your body that aren’t covered by clothing still need sunscreen.

Remember To Apply Sunscreen On Cloudy Days

When the clouds come out, people tend to think that they are less likely to get a sunburn. However, the sun’s UVA rays still shine through the clouds. You’ll also want to be prepared for the moments when the sun can peek out unexpectedly, and the glare from snow can also lead to sunburns. If you are spending a large amount of time outside, then you might want to add a hat, sunglasses, and other protective clothing to enhance the effects of your sunscreen.

Get Help Finding the Right Type of Sunscreen for Your Skin

One of the biggest barriers to wearing sunscreen is finding a type that you’ll actually use. If you struggle with acne, then you might prefer sunscreen that won’t clog your pores. Our dermatology services in Southampton, PA can help you find the perfect sunscreen with the right SPF rating to suit your needs so that you never question whether or not you want to apply it before you go outside. Call us today to schedule an appointment that helps you stay on top of your skincare.

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