3 Parts of Surgical Dermatology

Planning for any kind of surgery can be an intimidating prospect for even the toughest of patients. At Penn Derm, we understand how stressful it can be when you find out that a surgical procedure is necessary, and actively support our clients with empathy, personally tailored care plans, and offer minimally-invasive solutions that significantly reduce discomfort, shorten healing times, and result in long-term skin health and aesthetic improvements. 

With any of our precision surgical interventions, our experienced specialists focus on solving skin problems without damaging the surrounding tissue or forming excessive scar tissue. Our personalized approach to surgical care begins with detailed diagnostics, optimized care plans, and a variety of healing solutions related to your specific skin condition. Here are a few of the effective surgical treatments we have to offer. 

Electrodesiccation and Curettage is Quick & Prevents Infection

Also known as “scraping and burning”, ED&C is minimally invasive and not as painful as it sounds. First, the skin is numbed with pharmaceutical-grade anesthetics to minimize any discomfort. Your dermatologist then “scrapes” the skin cancer cells from the area with a tool called a curette. Since skin cancer cells don’t adhere to normal tissue as healthy cells do, this technique is remarkably effective for many kinds of superficial cancers. 

After the simple removal procedure, your dermatologist applies heat to the site with an electrodesiccation tool to both loosen any remaining skin cancer cells and minimize any bleeding. This heating process effectively closes the wound, preventing the need for sutures or complicated aftercare. Unlike traditional surgical procedures, our ED&C procedures only take about 10-15 minutes in an outpatient setting and only require basic follow-up screenings to monitor for any cancer recurrence. 

Standard Excision Heals Many Cancerous Conditions

Following a dermatoscope (skin microscope) evaluation and/or skin biopsy, our dermatologists may recommend the complete removal of the affected tissue. While this may sound like a scary procedure, our excision process only involves a small incision, is very tolerable, and is performed in our relaxed outpatient setting. 

Our dermatologists thoroughly numb the affected section of skin before carefully removing any problematic skin cells. Ideal for a range of cancerous conditions, this simple outpatient procedure is safe for almost any part of the body, heals quickly, and results in minimal scarring. 

MOHS Surgery Protects the Surrounding Skin

For more complex cases of skin cancer, MOHS micrographic surgery is the golden standard for the safe and precise removal of dangerous skin cells. During a MOHS surgery in Willow Grove, PA our precision excision technique removes the affected skin cells and a tiny margin of healthy tissue around the site to ensure a comprehensive removal has been performed. 

Unlike traditional skin excisions that may overlook cancerous tissue around the perimeter, our microscope-guided process actively investigates if there are any remaining cancerous cells in the healthy surrounding tissue. All of the cancerous tissue is removed in one procedure, resulting in a cancer-free treatment verified by the best dermatologist in Philadelphia.

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